
Keeping the authority to grant pension with Department of Pension instead of vesting that authority in the Head of Institution is the specialty in the payment of pension through centralized system.

Therefore, the applications of the retired officers, who are entitled to the pension under centralized system, should be sent to the Department of Pensions along with other relevant documents.

In terms of the revision (III) of Pension Circular No 3/2015, Centralized Division pays the first pension of the pensioners both through computerized online as well as non-online methods. If the retirement has been made before 01.01.2006, applications should be sent through non-online channel.

Occasions where the pension is granted through centralized system

Occasions where applications should be sent through both online and non-online methods
  • Officers retire due to the abolition of post or closing of institute (Section 2 and 7 of Pension Minute)
  • Officers sent on retirement under Public Administration Circular no 30/1988 and those who sent on retirement under Pension Circular no 12/2009 (Section 2 and 14 of the Pensions Minute)
  • Officers sent on retirement of disciplinary grounds (Section 2 and 12 of the Pensions Minute)
  • Officer sent on compulsory retirement on inefficiency and an alternative under sympathetic grounds
  • Officers, who served under daily/casual/substitute / contract basis and then received permanent appointment after the age of 45 years and the officers ,who are under no pay leave of more than 10 years during their service (Section 2 and 17 of the Pensions Minute)
  • Retirement on permanent release (Section 2 and 48 of the Pensions Minute)
Occasions where applications should strictly be submitted non-online method
  • Officers retired under Public Administration Circular No 04/2006
  • Officers sent on retirement under Public Administration Circular No 07/2004
  • Officers sent on retirement under Public Administration Circular No 44/1990
  • Officers retire under pension Circular No 08/2015
  • Officers retire under schedule “q” of Pensions minute
  • Officers who participated the 1980 July strike and reinstated and then sent on retirement on reaching 60 years of age
  • Officers retired from three armed forces (Ex servicemen) and then recruited to the public service other than armed forces
  • Service gratuity ( Officers who have not completed a service period of 10 years)
Matters to be considered when sending applications
Preliminary tasks madeApplicationMethod for sending applicationsCirculars applicable in sending applicationsOccasion
Preparation of first pension PD03 Online Pension Circular No 3/2015 (III) If a retirement after 02.01.2006
Non - online method Pension Circular No 3/2016 If retirement before 01.01.2006
Revisions of pension PD06 Online Pension Circular No 5/2022 If a retirement after 02.01.2006
Non - online method Pension Circular No 9/2015

For officers sent on retirement before 30.06.2007 and if revision is made in pension at the death after retirement

Pension Circular No 3/2016
Payments to heirs PD03 Non - online method Pension Circular No 7/2022 Making heirs entitled either to gratuity or salary in arrears or both when the officer has died after retirement


Department of Pensions, Maligawatta, Colombo 10.
Phone : +94 112 320 049
Fax : +94 112 320 049
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Working hours : 8.30 AM - 4.15 PM
1970 Hotline