முடிவுகள் 211 - 220 / 334
சுற்றறிக்கை இல சுற்றறிக்கையின் பெயர் சுற்றறிக்கை திகதி
11/2009(R1) Pension Circular 11/2009 - Payment of government pension through bank network (Maintaining individual bank accounts for Pensioners) 2011-02-18
01/2011 Formalizing payment of monthly pensions and arrears of pension 2011-01-30
11/2010(R1) Paying Disable Pension for Police Officers 2011-01-22
8/2010(1) Revision of payment of cost of living allowances to the same person in several ways 2011-01-14
14/2010 Cost of Living Allowance payable to retired Public Servants 2010-12-21
13/2010 Implementing the revision of W&OP Act 2010-12-16
12/2010 Arranging monthly payment documents and Decentralizing custodianship of files to Divisional Secretariats 2010-12-13
11/2010 Payment Of Disable Pension for Police Officers 2010-12-01
10/2010 Payment of pensions during the year 2011 2010-11-24
09/2010 Payment of disable pension 2010-10-26