Three armed forces have been established as Sri Lanka Army, Sri Lanka Navy and Sri Lanka Air Force. Payment of Armed Services Pension is made for the members of these forces in accordance with the laws, rule and regulations which have been stipulated in terms of Sri Lanka Army Act No. 17 of 1949, Sri Lanka Navy Act No. 34 of 1950 and Sri Lanka Air Force Act No. 41 of 1949 and amendments made to such acts from time to time.

Army Pension Gratuity Code of 1981 formulated as per section 29 and 155 of the Army Act, Air Force Pension Gratuity Code formulated as per section 29 and 155 of Air Force Act and Navy Pension and gratuity Code of 1981 formulated as per section 161 of the Navy Act are the main legal sources which are applied for the payment of pension to the members of the Armed Forces
Pensions paid by the Armed Services Division
Revisions made to the pension of Armed Forces (Postal Type 07)
Under this, the revisions are made to the armed services pension of retired Army Officers and the Army Officers, to whom a gratuity has been paid, due to the increases made to their combined salary (matters pertaining to the revision of allowances and other allowances, revisions made to their rank, and entitlement to disability pension etc.)
Persons who are entitled to :
- Pensioners, who are already receiving a service pension
- Members of Army, who have been sent on retirement granting an entitlement only to a
Required Documents :
- Application for the revision
- Copies of awards pertaining to the previous payments
- Certified copy of the bank account
- Form applied for the payment of Armed Services Pension
Revision (Made at the age of 55) (Postal Type 25)
The revision made to the pension based on the salary received at the age of 55 years by the members of the Army, who are receiving the salary up to the age of 55 years on retirement due to disabilities.
Persons who are entitled to :
- Pensioners, who are already receiving a service pension
- Members of the Army, who receive salary until they reach the age of 55 years after retiring due to disabilities
- Members of the Army, who became disabled during the service in operation areas
Required documents :
- Application for the revision
- Application for the revision
- Copies of awards pertaining to the previous payments
- Certified copy of the bank account
- The form applied for the payment of Armed Services Pension
- Certified copy of the National Identity Card
Pension of those who have a service period less than 10/12 years (Postal Type 11)
This salary is granted to the members of Army, who have a service of less than 10/12 years and became disabled due to terrorists’ activities. Payments are made under Type 59.
Payment are made to the members of the Army, who have retired before 17.12.2014, to be effective from the said date and to the members of the Army, who have retired after 17.12.2014, based on the date of retirement.
A percentage of 60% from the salary received at the time of retirement will be paid when granting entitlement to this service pension.
Persons who are entitled to :
- Members of the Army , who have a service period of less than 10/12 years and become disabled due to terrorist activities
- Payments are made to the retired members of Army, who have retired before 17.12.2014, to be effective from the said date and to the members of Army, who have retired after 17.12.2014, based on the date of retirement.
Required documents :
- Application
- A certified copy of the National Identity Card
- A certified copy of the bank account
- A certified copy of the certificate of birth
- An affidavit to exercise the consent to obtain service pension (On recoveries to be made to the Government)
- Salary Particulars
- Form for the payment of Armed Forces pension
- An affidavit if any difference is observed in the name
Subsistence Allowance (Postal Type 04)
In case where the death of the employees, which occurs whilst in the service of Army, is determined as a death in the service of the Army, and in case where a person sent on retirement due to a disability occur whilst in the service in Army dies, the dependents can be paid the allowances, which are paid to such dependents, if it is determined that the death has caused due to an illness diagnosed at the time of demobilizing the person from Army.
The allowance paid to cover the loss incurred to the dependents due to the disabilities occur whilst in the Army or the death occurs whilst in service, is called as subsistence allowance
Persons who are entitled to :
- Dependents of the members of the Army, who demise after sending on retirement on medical grounds (All the reasons)
- Dependents of the members of the Army, who demise due to illnesses whilst in service and on leave
- Dependents of the members of the Army, who demise due to accidents occur whilst travelling for home on leave from the service and travelling back for reporting for duty
Instances where the subsistence allowance is not paid at present :
- Accidents (Motor Vehicles) and various other accidents faced by the person whilst on leave
- Heart attacks and natural death
Required documents :
- The application
- Form-FORCES 01
- Conclusion of the Commander in Chief of Army/ Navy/ Air force
- Report of the medical board
- Certificate of birth of the soldier
- A copy of the National Identity Card of the soldier
- Certificate of the death of the soldier
- An affidavit (In case where a difference is found in the name)
- Repost of the Divisional Secretary issued to the dependents
If married :
- Certificate of Marriage of the soldier
- Certificate of birth of the widow
- A copy of the National Identity Card of the widow
- A report on the civil status of the widow at present
- A copy of the bank pass book of the widow
- Affidavit (If there is any change in the name)
- Certificates of birth of children
- Copies of the bank pass books of the children
- A report on the civil status of the daughter (If she is beyond the age of 18 years)
- Copy/Copies of the certificate of marriage if the soldier has entered in another marriage
- Certificate/s of divorce, if such divorce has been made
- Certificate of marriage if the widow has married again
- Report of the Divisional Secretary regarding the custody of orphan’s
- Copy of the National Identity Card of the Guardian
- Copy of the bank pass book of the guardian
- Affidavit ( If any difference is observed in the name of the guardian)
If unmarried :
- Report of the Divisional Secretary to the effect that the child has been given care, protection and nutrition by Parents/ mother/ father during his childhood
- Report of the Divisional Secretary to the effect that the parents were under the care and protection of the soldier, when he has died
- Certificate of marriage of the parents
- Certificate of birth of the mother
- Copy of the National Identity Card of the mother
- Copy of the bank pass book of the mother
- Affidavit (If any difference is observed in the name)
- Certificate of birth of father
- Copy of the National Identity Card of the father
- Copy of the bank pass book of the father
- Affidavit ( If any difference is observed in the name of father)
- Certificate of death of mother/ father, if any of them has died
- Certificate of divorce, if parents have divorced
Services Disability Pension- (Postal Type 14)
The members of the army, who have completed a service period of more than 10/12 and become medically disabled due to service conditions/terrorists activities, are granted entitlement to disability pension along with service pension.
Persons who are entitled to :
- The members of the army, who have completed a service period of more than 10/12 and become medically disabled due to service conditions/terrorists activities
Required documents :
- The application
- A certified copy of the National Identity Card
- A certified copy of the bank pass book (Individual)
- Form foe the payment of armed forces pension
- An affidavit, if any difference is observed in the name
Death Gratuity of the Army (Postal Type 16)
A gratuity paid to the members of the Army, who dies whilst in the service.
Persons who are entitled to :
- Members of the Army, who possess a period of more than 5 years and dies whilst in the services entitled to the gratuity
Required documents :
- The application
- A certified copy of the National Identity Card
- A certified copy of the certificate of death
- Form for the payment of armed services pension
- Form- FORCES 01
Service Gratuity (Postal Type 02)
A gratuity paid to the army officers who have completed a service period of more than 10 years but less than 20/22 years.
Persons who are entitled to :
- Army officers who have completed a service period of more than 10 years but less than 20/22 years
Required documents :
- The application
- A certified copy of the National Identity Card
- A certified copy of the bank pass book (Individual) (BOC/NSB/PB)
- Form for the payment of armed services pension
- An affidavit, if any difference is observed in the name
Disability Pension (Postal Type 13)
Members of the armed forces, who become disabled due to facing an accident or falling ill whilst in service or during operations are made entitled to a disability pension, if an army medical board has determined that they are not fit for the service and then it has been recommended by the commanders of Army/Navy/ Air force recommended. This disability pension is paid to the officers in addition to the service pension paid to the officer.
Persons who are entitled to :
- Members of the armed forces, who become disabled due to facing an accident or falling ill whilst in service or during operations
Required documents :
- The application
- A certified copy of the National Identity Card
- Form for the payment of armed services pension
Special Compensation (Postal Type 18)
An allowance paid to the members of the armed forces who demise due to an accident faced by them whilst reporting for duty or in the return journey after duty.
Persons who are entitled to :
- Dependants of the members of the armed forces who demise due to an accident faced by them whilst reporting for duty, whilst in duty or in the return journey after duty
Required documents :
- Form for compensation
- A certified copy of the National Identity Card
- A certified copy of the report of the Compensation Committee
- Form- FORCES 01
1/24 allowance (Postal Type 15)
A payment made to the army officers, who resign from service on medical grounds and possess a service of more than 2-2 1/2 years but less than 10 years. This allowance is calculated dividing the basic salary by 24 and multiplying by the number of months worked.
Persons who are entitled to :
- Army officers, who resign from service on medical grounds and possess a service of more than 2-2 1/2 years but less than 10 years
Required documents :
- Application for service gratuity
- A certified copy of the National Identity Card
- A copy of the bank pass book
- Form- FORCES 01
- An affidavit, if any difference is observed in the name
Payments to heirs (Postal Type 04)
This allowance is paid to the heirs of the members of the army, who demise before receiving the pension and gratuity after retirement.
Persons who are entitled to :
- Heirs of the members of the army, who demise before receiving the pension and gratuity after retirement
Required documents :
- The application
- Certificate of death of the officer
- Certificate of marriage
- Certificate of birth of the officer
- Copies of the certificate of birth of children
- Copies of bank pass books (Widow's and children's)
- A copy of the National Identity Card (Widow's )
- A copy of the National Identity Card (Officer's)
- Report of the Divisional Secretary
- An affidavit, if any differences are observed in the name
- Certificate of marriage of parents (If the officer is unmarried )
- Copies of the National Identity Cards of parents ( If the officer is unmarried )
- Copies of bank pass books of parents ( If the officer is unmarried )
- Form- FORCES 01
Death occurs after reemployment (Postal Type 12)
A gratuity paid when a member of the army demises after reemployment in service.
Persons who are entitled to :
- Dependant of the members of the army, who demises after reemployment
Required documents :
- The application
- Certificate of death of the officer
- Certificate of marriage
- Certificate of birth of the officer
- Copies of the certificate of birth of children
- Copies of bank pass books (Widow's and children's)
- A copy of the National Identity Card (Widow's )
- A copy of the National Identity Card (Officer's)
- Report of the Divisional Secretary
- An affidavit, if any difference is observed in the name
- Certificate of marriage of parents (If the officer is unmarried )
- Copies of the National Identity Cards of parents ( If the officer is unmarried )
- Copies of bank pass books of parents ( If the officer is unmarried )
- Awarding certificate of the gratuity, which has been paid earlier
Service Disability Pension (Reemployment) (Postal Type 20)
The pension paid to the officers, who become disabled when serving after reemployment, is called service disability pension .
Persons who are entitled to :
- officers, who become disabled when serving after reemployment
Required documents :
- Application
- The application
- Certificate of birth of the officer
- A certified copy of the National Identity Card
- A copy of the bank pass book
- 03 photographs of the officer (Certified)
- Treasury 148 (02 copies), 147 (1copy)
- A copy of the awarding certificate of the gratuity paid previously
- Form-FORCES 1
- 02 copies of the declaration of option
- 02 copies of the signature
- An affidavit, if any difference is observed in the name
- Report of the Medical Board on disability
- Form for the payment of armed services pension
Payments as per Gazette no 1740 (Postal Type 17)
The officers in the voluntary service were also made entitled to the benefits provided to the officers in regular service by this gazette notification.
E.g. Granting pension entitlement to the officers, who have completed a service period of more than 10/12 and leave the service on medical grounds
Officers who are entitled to :
- Officers in the voluntary service
Required documents :
- Application
- A copy of the awarding certificate relevant to the gratuity paid
- A certified copy of the National Identity Card
- A certified copy of the bank pass book
- Form- FORCES 01