Payment of Civil Widows’/ Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pension
- For the first time in the history of Sri Lanka, a widows and orphans’ pension scheme has been introduced on 23 June 1898. It has been done by way of implementing Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions Fund Ordinance No. 01 of 1898.
- This pension scheme, which was restricted only to civil officers at the beginning, was extended later also to the officers in armed forces by way of implementing Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Act (Armed Forces) no 18 of 1970 and the Series of Orders issued under the above Act on 28.11.1970 and further it was extended to female officers by way of implementing Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pension Act No. 24 of 1983.
- In addition to the above, two other schemes have been introduced namely; Teachers’ Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Scheme and Local Government Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Scheme and at present these two schemes have been amalgamated as Widows’ / Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pension Scheme.
“The unemployed children, who are below the 26 years of age, are granted entitlement to the benefits of this widows’/ widowers’ and orphans’ pension scheme after the death of a male/female officer registered in the widows’/ widowers’ and orphans’ pension scheme ”
- When the contributor dies without having children within a year from the date of marriage, no entitlement to the benefits of widows pension is granted as per section 28 of the Widows and Orphans Pensions Fund Ordinance No. 01 of 1898 and section 11 of the Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pensions Act No. 24 of 1984. However, the Director General of Pensions has the powers to grant entitlement to the full or part of the pension.
- The steps to be taken in the issues arisen in granting entitlements to the Widows and Orphans’ Pension/Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pension are specified in each Act in the following manner.
Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Fund Ordinance No 01 of 1898
“42. Should any question arise as to whether any person is a Public Officer within the meaning of this Ordinance, or as to whether any person is entitled to any pension as the widow or child of a Public Officer, or as to the amount of pension to which any widow or child shall be entitled, or as to the meaning or construction to be assigned to any section of this Ordinance, or to any rule or regulation made under the provisions thereof, the Director may on their own initiative, and shall at the written request of such officer, widow, or child, submit such question for decision to the Secretary to the Ministry charged with the subject of Public Administration; and the decision of the Secretary to the Ministry charged with the subject of Public Administration thereon shall be final.”
Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions Act No 24 of 1983
“31. Where any question arises as to whether any person is a contributor within the meaning of this Act or as to whether any person is entitled to a pension under this Act as a widower or as an orphan of a contributor or as to the amount of pension to which a widower or orphan is entitled to under this Act, such question shall be decided by the Secretary of the Ministry of the Minister”
- Entitlement to Widows/ widowers and orphans pension is granted from the day after the date of the death of male/ female contributor.
Accordingly, applications can be submitted to prepare civil Widows/ widowers pension in three ways.
- Manual - Pension Circular No 06/2015,06/2015(1)
- DS Portal - Pension Circular No 06/2015,06/2015(1)
- 03/2020 Online System - Pension Circular No 03/2020
(DS Portal and 03/2020 Online System are the information systems of the Department)
Role of the institution in the application process
- Applying for a male/female officer, who dies whilst in service.
- Applying for a male/female officer who dies after retirement.
- When the approval is granted by the Divisional Secretary, the application is sent to the Department of Pensions through the data system.
Applications submitted as per Pension Circular No. 06/2015, 06/2015 (1)
- Granting entitlement to the widows’/ widowers’ and orphans pension for the male/female officers , who die whilst in the service.
- Granting entitlement to widows'/ widowers' and orphans' pension for officers die without pension entitlement.
- Granting 50% of the widows' pension to the beneficiaries, who are receiving widows' pension, as a result of marrying again.
- Granting benefits for a disappeared pensioner or public officer .
- Granting entitlement to orphans' pension
Process followed by the Department for the application submitted under pension Circular No. 06/2015, 06/2015 (1)
In case of the files which are not entitled or rejected, the file will be sent to the record room after sending the letters of rejection to the relevant parties.
Applications submitted under old online system (DS portal) as per Pension Circular No. 06/2015, 06/2015 (1)
This is the process followed before the issuance of Pension Circular No. 03/2020. Under this system, the application was included in the data system by the Divisional Secretariats and such documents for the confirmation of information should be scanned and included in the data system.
Payments made by this system -
- Widows' /Widowers' and Orphans' Pension
- Orphans' pensions to the orphans who have completed the age of 18 years
- Granting entitlement to 50% of Widows' /Widowers' Pension හිමිගැන්වීම
- Increase in the widows' and orphans' pension
- 55 Revisions (The Anomalies Division deals with this part)
Applications are submitted by this data system only for payment of orphans pension to those who complete the age of 18 years, granting entitlement to 50% of pension to the widows/ widowers who marry again and increase in widows/ orphans' salary after the issuance of Pension Circular No. 03/2020
Process followed by the Department for applications submitted through DS Portal as per Pension Circular No. 6/2015, 06/2015 (1)
- Here, under the part ''Widow/ Orphan Salary Increase' the part of the pension paid to each orphan is added to the parts of pension paid to other orphans when the entitlement of each orphan expires and in case of a payment made to widow/ widower of several legal marriages and orphans of previous marriage, the part of the pension paid to orphan/ orphans is added to the pension of the widow/ widower when the entitlement of orphans pension expires. Above mentioned process is followed in this case and recommendation of the Assistant Director (W&OP) is granted through the access of data system before obtaining the payment report after calculation and verification of arrears of salaries.
- Under this process, further action is taken for the payment of widows'/Widowers' and Orphans' pension under non-online system by way of calling first pension file to the DOP from Divisional Secretariat, when the arrear exceeds Rs. 7.5 lakhs For this purpose, following documents should be included.
- Verification on the date of stopping the payment.
- The certified copy of the payment receipt to verify the following matters - If there are excess payments? If so, the amount and whether that amount has been recovered?
- Following steps should be followed on the file submitted to the W&OP Division,
Applications submitted online as per Pension Circular No03/2020
- In order to grant entitlement to widows’ / widowers’ and orphans’ Pension benefits for the male/ female contributors, who demise whilst receiving pension after retirement, applications should be submitted from Divisional Secretariats as per the provisions in this circular.
Process followed by the Department for the applications submitted as per Pension Circular No. 03/2020
- Since this application is submitted online, if the arrears exceeds Rs. 7.5 lakhs, civil/ service pension files will be called from the Divisional Secretariats to the w&op Division. The Department of Pensions will calculate the arrears of files called in this manner and grant approval for the payment after making recommendation.
- When referring these files, following particulars should be included.,
- Verification on the date of stopping the payment
- The certified copy of the payment receipt to verify the following matters - If there are excess payments? If so, the amount and whether that amount has been recovered
- Action should be taken on the file referred to the W&OP Division in the following manner ,
- If the arrears of the salary of the files submitted for the payment in all the ways mentioned above exceed Rs. 1.5 million, only the monthly payments will be activated and it will be sent to the Committee headed by the Director General of Pensions for obtaining approval for the arrears of salary. Once such approval is received, it will be referred to the Department of Pensions for the payment of the arrears of salary. .
- In addition to the above, when an officer demises after retirement but before receiving pension, the payments for heirs are paid to his/ her heirs by the Centralized Pension Division of the Department and then the file is referred for the payment of widows’/ widowers’ and orphans’ pension. Accordingly, the future process of such files is carried out as per Pension Circular No. 6/2015 (1)
- Further, activities pertaining to the payment of w&op to the widows/ widowers, who are staying abroad, will be performed by the Foreign Pension Division. .
- In terms of the section 43 of the W&OP Ordinance No.01 of 1898, the children of the marriages, which take place after retirement/ dismissal from service/resignation of the post (Once such officer terminates the payment of contributions) will not be entitled to the benefits of widows’/ widowers’ and orphans’ pension scheme. However, these provisions are not applicable to the marriages made by male/ female officers, who are sent on retirement under section 2-7(On abolition of post) up to the age of 55 years.
- When applications are referred by Divisional Secretariats through online system, files have been scanned and they have been included in the information system ‘AuraDocs’ for the convenience of confirming widow/ widower/orphan and w&op number. Through this process, the files can be checked by way of searching w&op membership number or name, if the files have been scanned.
- It is required to register to have access to AuraDocs information system.For this purpose, it is required to obtain an access from the Information Technology Division of the Department of Pensions..
N.B.- Only the officers in charge of the subject of pension who are serving at Department of Pension and Divisional Secretariats have been given access facilities to this information system..
Method of searching a file using AuraDocs information system is given below.
The files, which have not been scanned in the above manner, will be included in the AuraDocs system obtaining them from record room and then scanning as per the requests made by Divisional Secretariats.
Required Documents
- PD 4 Application
- Certificate of death of the contributor - First copies obtained from Additional District/District registrar
- Certificate of birth of the contributor C o B of contributor- First copies obtained from Additional District/District registrar
- Certificate of birth of the spouse - First copies obtained from Additional District/District registrar
- Certificate of marriage
- Certified copy of the N I C of the contributor
- Certified copy of the N I C of the spouse
- Certified copy of the bank pass book of a savings account (Individual) of the spouse
- A formal confirmation given by the Head of Institute, if any difference is found in the name of the contributor
- An affidavit or legal documents to confirm the differences, if any difference is found in the name of the spouse
- If contributor or spouse have any previous marriages,
- Certificates of marriages
- Certificates of divorce to prove that the marriage has ended (For upcountry and Muslim marriages)
- Absolute order of the divorce
- Originals of the certificate of death
- Certificate of birth of the unemployed children below the age of 26 years , who have born from the previous marriages of the contributor and their bank details
- Documents to prove the employment/ unemployment of orphans beyond the age of 18 years
- Reports on civil status of widow/ widower (Should strictly be counter signed by Divisional Secretary) ප්රා
Ordinances, Acts and Circulars applied
- Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Fund Ordinance No 01 of 1898
- Widows’ and Orphans’ (Amendment) Act No 13 of 1906
- Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pensions Act No. 24 of 1983
- Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Fund Act No. 44 of 1981
- Widows’ and Orphans’ (Amendment) Act No. 57 of 1998
- Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Fund (Amendment) Act No.08 of 2010
- Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pensions (Amendment) Act No.19 of 1985
- Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pensions (Amendment) Act No.16 of 1997
- Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pensions (Amendment) Act No. 56 of 1998
- Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pensions (Amendment) Act No.65 of 1998
- Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pensions (Amendment) Act No.02 of 2001
- Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pensions (Amendment) Act No.09 of 2010
- Pension Circular No. 01/99
- Pension Circular No. 13/2010
- Pension Circular No. 06/2015,06/2015(1)
- Pension Circular No. 03/2020
- Pension Circular No. 03/2008(1)
Category Code numbers which are applied
- Widows Pension - 21
- Widowers’ Pension - 22
- Orphans’ Pension - 23
Registration in the Widows'/ Widowers and Orphans' Pension Scheme
It is compulsory for all public officers holding a permanent and pensionable post in the public service to register in the W&OP scheme.
- Provisions have been made by Widows' and Orphans' Pension Fund Ordinance No 01 of 1891 to award pensions to the widows and orphans of the officers in public service after their demise. However only the male officers in public service were the compulsory contributors of W&OP scheme before year 1983.
- However, opportunities have been given also to the female officers in public service for contributing to W&OP scheme with the increase of females in public service. By way of introducing Widowers' and Orphans' Pension Act No. 24 of 1983 female officers have also been given opportunity for contributing to this pension scheme which was so far limited only to male officers.
- However, opportunities were given to the female officers, who were in public service as at 01.08.1983 obtaining appointment before the aforesaid date, to be the members of Widowers' and Orphans' Pensions Scheme on their option.
Exercising their option/ non option should be made strictly by appendix 'a' introduced by the Public Administration Circular No. 231. Further an opportunity has also been given to a female officer, who did not exercise her option to be a member of the scheme, to revise her option by Public Administration Circular No. 291 but that opportunity has expired on 10.05.1986. However, female officers have been given opportunity from time to time to exercise their option and for the last time such opportunity has been given by Pension Circular No. 03/2014 and that period also expired on 31.12.2014. - Widows' and Orphans' Pension Fund has been interpreted by Section 03 of the Widows' and Orphans' Pension Fund Ordinance No 01 of 1898 in the following manner.
'There shall be carried to the fund created under Ordinances Nos. 20 of 1885 and 21 of 1896, and which shall continue to be styled "The Widows' and Orphans' Pension Fund” (hereinafter referred to as ”the fund”), such sums as are hereinafter required to be contributed thereto and such fund, together with the accretions of interest thereto, shall be applicable to the payment of the expenses of management thereof as hereinafter provided, and of pensions to the widows and orphans now chargeable to the same under and subject to the provisions of any repealed enactments, and to the widows and orphans of the Public Officers now or hereafter contributing to the same under and subject to the provisions hereinafter contained.' - Provisions for registering an officer in W&OP scheme have been maden by Section 21 of the Widows' and Orphans' Pension Fund Ordinance No 01 of 1898.
'21. Every Public Officer shall, within three months of the date of his becoming liable to contribute to the fund, forward to the Director a declaration setting forth the date of his becoming so liable, his own name in full and the date of his birth, and if he be married the date of his marriage and the maiden name in full and the date of birth of his wife, and if he have any child or children their names in full and the date of each of their births.' - Provisions for registering a female public officer in Widowers' &OP scheme have been made by Section 5 of the Widowers' and Orphans' Pension Act No 24 of 1983.
'Every contributor shall, within three months of the date of her becoming a contributor, forward to the Director a declaration setting out the date of her becoming a contributor, her name in full and the date of her birth and if she is married, the date of her marriage, the full name of her husband and if she has a child or children; their names in full and the dates of their respective births.'
- In year 2016 issuance of the registration numbers of widows' and orphans' pensions scheme has been commenced online as per Pension Circular No.02/2016.
- The method followed at present is the calling applications online and issuing automatically generated numbers. The circular issued for the purpose is Pension Circular No. 02/2016 and 02/2016 (Revision 1). Here, the relevant institute should upload relevant documents in the data system. .
- The officers in charge of the subject of the Department of Pensions examine the application and then issue numbers by their access to those who satisfy relevant qualifications. The membership card consists of the numbers is displayed as a soft copy and it can also be obtained a hard copy also. In order to obtain a soft copy, visit the menu 'Public Services' in the official website of the Department of Pensions (pensions.gov.lk) and enter the number of the National Identity Card.
- Further, the system takes action to refer error notes for rejecting the applications with defects and recalling them with necessary rectifications. Then the officers in charge of the subject should make rectifications and re-submit the application.
- At every step taken in connection to the application form the submission of the same, an SMS will be sent to the mobile phone of the relevant officer, who is mentioned in entering data. It is expected to make the relevant officer aware of the completion of the application or the defects, if any, regarding the work steps completed up to granting approval for the application.
- If it is confirmed in the process for making the spouse entitled to benefits on the death of married male/ female officer that there is no membership number, application should be made as per the instructions given in ii above through the personal file of the officer maintained at the office, where the officer served for the last time, in order to get widows'/ widowers' and orphans' pension number.
Further, opportunity has been given by Pension Circular No. 04/2017 to the male and female members, who have obtained online numbers of widows'/ widowers and orphans' pension scheme and still in service, to visit the website of the Department and include their particulars and thereby to re-register under the old number. However the period given for this process has expired on 31.12.2021 but the subject officers, who perform the duties pertaining to the personal files of institutions can include still the particulars of male and female members, who have obtained old numbers, using their login.
Instructions have been issued by section 8.2 ii of Pension Circular No 06/2015 (1) for updating files in the following manner' 'In future, relevant institutions should not submit the documents , which are required to update the widows' and orphans' files, to the Department of Pensions and they should be attached to the personal file of the respective person and further it is sufficient to attach them to the civil pension file when the officer retires' As per the system applied previously, the service station of the relevant contributor sent the marriage and death certificates of the contributor and birth certificates of children to the W&OP division of the Department of Pension indicating the widows'/ widowers' and orphans pension number and accordingly they were attached to the file bearing the relevant number.
Required documents
- Letter of appointment with permanent and pensionable status
- Copy of National Identity Card
- Data sheet perfected by the relevant Head of Institution
- The maximum age limit for the purpose of recruitment to public service has been determined as 45 years of age by provisions of the Establishments Code and Public Administration Circular No. 23/94. Therefore, if the officer has gone beyond the age of 45 years at the time receiving appointment, letter and documents should also be submitted to confirmed that the appointment has been made in the formal manner.
E.G.:1. Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers for granting such appointment
2. Circular issued by the Ministry of Public Administration for the purpose
- Public Administration Circular 25/2014 , 25/2014(i), 25/2014(ii)
3. If an appointment has been given on casual/temporary/contract/substitute before reaching the age of 45 years
- letter of appointment issued
- Particulars of PSPF or any other Provident Fund, if contributions have been made to such fund
- Certified copies of history sheet on form General 226
- Other documents to prove that the appointment has been given in formal manner and other documents to prove the particulars of appointment
- Particulars such as newspaper advertisement/ gazette notification etc. by which applications have been called for the relevant post
Obtaining members' certificate
Circulars, which are applied
- Pension Circular No 03/2008 - Instructions for the recovery of contributions
- Pension Circular No 02/2013 - Instructions for the recovery of contributions
- Pension Circular No 03/2014 - Extending the period for exercising option.
- Pension Circular No 02/2016,02/2016(1) - Online Registration
- Pension Circular No 04/2017 - Re-registration
- Pension Circular No 3/2008(1) - Instructions for the recovery of contributions
Process for granting entitlement to Widows’/Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pension (Civil Officers)
Questions asked frequently by recipients
What is the basic law applied for the Widows’/Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pension scheme?
- Provisions made for the Widows’/Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pension scheme Widows’ and Orphans’ pension Ordinance No 01 of 1898
Act (Amendment) No 44 of 1981
Act (Amendment) No 57 of 1998
Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Fund (Amendment) Act No 08 of 2010 - Provisions made for the Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pension scheme
Widows’ and Orphans’ pension Act No. 24 of 1983
Act (Amendment) No 19 of 1985
Act (Amendment) No 10 of 1997
Act (Amendment) No 56 of 1998
Act (Amendment) No 65 of 1998
Act (Amendment) No 02 of 2001
Act (Amendment) No 09 of 2010
What is the process to be followed for the implementation of Widows’/ Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pension Scheme?
- It is compulsory for every public officer, who has been granted a pensionable appointment in terms of the section 21 of the Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Ordinance No 01 of 1898, and every female officer, who has been granted a pensionable appointment on or after 01.08.1983 in terms of the Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pension Act No. 24 of 1983, to register in the Widows’/ Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pension Scheme.
Can a person receive a non-pensionable appointment be a contributor to the Widows’/ Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pension Scheme?
- It is not possible. However, a person, who has received a non-pensionable appointment, can contribute after receiving a pensionable appointment. For this purpose, contributions to widows’ and orphans’ pension should be paid also for the previous period and then that period of service should be amalgamated to the pensionable appointment.
How do you get the membership of Widows’/Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pension scheme?
- Every male and female public officer, who has received a permanent and pensionable appointment, should get the membership of the Widows’/Widowers’ and Orphans’ Pension scheme within three months from the date of their permanent and pensionable appointment. For this purpose, it is required to submit an online application as prescribed in Pension Circular 2/2016 (Revision iii). Further, contributions to the widows’ and orphans’ fund should also be recovered from the first monthly salary.
In addition to the above,
- When the pensioner dies and if a membership number is not available, new membership number can be obtained by way of submitting applications online through the institute, where the person served for the last time, as per Pension Circular No. 2/2016 after submitting a letter of confirmation through the Divisional Secretariat.
- At such occasions, where the membership number of the contributors, who demises whilst in service, indicated in the pension application and the file at the Department of Pensions is not tallied, new membership number can be obtained by way of by way of submitting applications online through the institute, where the person served for the last time, as per Pension Circular No. 2/2016.
- If it is revealed that any officer retired before 2016 has no membership number, new number can be obtained referring the personal file by way of submitting application online through the institution, where the person served for the last time.
- In addition to the above, it has been informed that the Widows’ and Orphans’ Number or Widowers’ and Orphans’ Number issued to the male and female officers in Local Government Services and Teachers is valid further as per para (vi)-8.1 of the Pension Circular No. 6/2015 (1). Further, new male and female officers can obtain a number by way of submitting applications online through their service stations as per Pension Circular No. 2/2016.
What are the main documents to be uploaded in this regard?
- Application (Data Sheet), which contains correct data
- Letter of appointment to the pensionable post
- National Identity Card
- If any difference is found in the name or names of the member in the letter of appointment to the pensionable post and National Identity Card, revised letter of appointment or certificate of birth, of which the name has been changed under column 13.
- If the letter of appointment to the pensionable post has been antedated, a certificate from the Accountant of the relevant institution to the effect that contributions have been duly recovered to the widows’ and orphans’ fund form the date of first appointment
What is the party responsible for granting entitlement to widows' and orphans' pension to an officer demises whilst in duty?
- In terms of the section 09 of the Pension Circular No.3/2020, which has been issued for the purpose of pension, action should be taken by the institution, where the office served.
What is the institution?
- For this purpose, institution means the institute or office, where the employee served for the last time.
What are the requirements to be satisfied for the entitlement to widows'/ widowers' and orphans' pension?
- Should have married legally with the spouse.
- Should have obtained a number for widows'/ widowers' and orphans' pension.
- Should have entered in a legal marriage either before giving up the membership of widows'/ widowers' and orphans' pension or terminating the recovery of contributions to the same. Such marriage should not have been made solely with the intension to obtain widows'/ widowers' and orphans pension.
The situations given below are not considered.
- Entering in a marriage when the male/ female contributor is at the threshold of the retirement.
- Entering in a marriage when the contributor is seriously ill.
- Entering in a marriage, where the male/ female contributor is suffering from a chronic disease for a long tome.
What is Widows'/Widowers' and Orphans' Pension?
- The salary paid to the spouse and orphans due to the death of a male/ female officer, whilst he/ she is in service or after retirement.
What is orphans' pension?
- The payment made to the unemployed children below 26 years of age, who have born to the male/ female contributor, either after the demise of a male/ female public officer or male/ female pensioner and his/ her spouse or after entering in a marriage again is called orphans' pension.
What is disability pension?
- The pension paid to the legal children of the male/ female contributor after the demise of such contributor, who have become disabled mentally or physically by birth or before reaching the age of 26 years resulting them unable to make their livelihood is called disability pension.
What is the process for applying for widows'/ widowers' and orphans' pension after the death of a contributor?
- In order to obtain widows'/ widowers' and orphans' pension due to the death of a contributor, application should be submitted to the Department of Pension from the institute where the demised person served for the last time, if such person is still in service and if such person has retired, such application should be submitted from the Divisional Secretariat, which paid the pension for the last time. Therefore immediate action should be taken to hand over required documents visiting the officers in charge of the subject and discussing relevant matters.
Who is the contributor for the purpose of submitting particulars for applying for the widows'/widowers' and orphans' pension?
- Contributor means the male/ female officers, who have been appointed to serve in a permanent and pensionable post in the public service and further entitled to obtain membership of the Widows 'and orphans 'pension fund.
Are the marriages entered in after the retirement entitled to W&OP?
- In terms of the section 2:7 of the Pensions Minute, entitlement to the widows'/ widowers' and orphans' pension can be granted to an officer, who have been sent on retirement due to abolition of post, based on the marriages made up to the age of 55 years.
- At other instances, the widows and orphans of the marriages, which take place after retirement and leaving the membership of W&OP, are not entitled to the W&OP.
What is the period, for which orphans are granted entitlement to W&OP after the death of widow/ widower?
- The unemployed children below the age of 26 years are granted entitlement to the orphans' pension irrespective of marriage amending section 29 of the first Act by the Pension Act No 64 of 1998.
- If the orphan is employed before reaching 26 years of age, the entitlement to Orphans pension will be cancelled from the date of such appointment.
Questions ask frequently by the officers in charge of the subject of pension
For whom should the widows'/ widowers' and orphans' pension be paid?
- The salary paid to spouse and orphans due to the death of male/ female officers whilst in public service or after retirement.
What are the circulars, which contains instructions in respect of submitting applications for widows'/ widowers, and orphans' pension?
- Pension Circular No. 06/2015, 06/2015 (I)
- Pension Circular No. 03/2020
- Pension Circular No. 3/2008 (Revision I) – (Instructions for the recovery of the contributions in arrears)
Who are defined as the parties for the purpose of granting entitlement to widows'/ widowers' and orphans' pension?
- If the demised male/ female officer is married,
- Legal spouse
- Unemployed children below the age of 26 years, in case where the spouse is not living
- Adopted children ( Children adopted legally)
What is the methodology applied for the payment of widows'/ widowers and orphans' pension?
- Payment of widows'/ widowers' and orphans' pension is made at present as per the method indicated in Pension Circular No. 06/2015, 06/2015 (i) and Pension Circular No. 03/2000.
What are the other documents to be submitted along with the application for widows'/ widowers' and orphans pension?
- Following documents of the demised officer,
- Original of the certificate of death
- Certificate of marriage
- Original of the certificate of birth
- A certified copy of the National Identity Card
- A certified copy of the history sheet- The history sheet perfected with the inclusion of all particulars from the date of first appointment up to date of death ( all years and other particulars) should be submitted and incomplete history sheets will be rejected.
- A certified copy of the letter of appointment- Certified copies of all letters of appointment such as letter of appointment to the permanent and pensionable post, and the letter of appointment on casual/ temporary/ substitute/ training/ daily wages or contract basis , if the officer has served under such appointment before receiving an appointment to the permanent and pensionable post, should be submitted.
- Particulars on service breaks, if any and a confirmation to the effect that contributions have been recovered for the widows' and orphans' pension during the period where service break is recorded - (If contributions have not been recovered, such amounts should be calculated accurately for the relevant period as per Pension Circular No. 3/2008 and 2/2013 and then the calculation report should be submitted. Further, the amount to be recovered should be included in the no claim certificate.
- Certificates of birth of spouse and orphans and certified copies of their bank pass books.
- PD-04 application prepared as per Pension Circular No. 06/2015. 06/2015 (i),if the application is not submitted online (Widows' and orphans' pension application) and other relevant documents
- Confirmation to the effect that contributions to the widows' and orphans' pension have been recovered for the period of antedating, if the appointment has been antedated- If there is any due amount, it should be accurately calculated and then the report of calculation should also be submitted. In the meantime action should be taken to recover the due amount.
What is the action to be taken, when it is reported that male/ female officer/ spouse had entered in several marriages?
- Certified copies of such marriages relevant to each marriage, absolute order of the divorce or death certificate of the spouse of the previous marriage ( Certified by the Registrar of the Courts) should be submitted.
- Particulars of the children in previous marriages should be submitted.
What is the action to be taken regarding the differences in the name of the contributor?
- Action should be taken in such situations as per section 5.1 of the Pension Circular No. 03/2-21 and section 06 of the instructions indicated in 02 of the Pension Circular No. 03/2000.
If the spouse has entered in another marriage after the death of the contributor
- If the spouse is living with another person after the death of the contributor, action should be taken to verify as to whether they have married legally and the information should be submitted through Divisional Secretary after finding facts referring relevant documents.
If the spouse is in a marriage with another person neglecting children
- If the spouse lives neglecting children, relevant information should be submitted through the Divisional Secretary.
- Refer Pension Circular No. 13/2000 and Pension Circular No. 03/2013 in this regard.
- When the relevant information and the application are submitted to the Department of Pension, action will be taken to make payments on verification of the matter.
What is the action to be taken at such occasions, where a marriage life has been spent for years without entering in a legal marriage as per 08. II above?
- At such occasions, an investigation should be conducted using the reports of Grama Nlidhari, extracts of electoral registers, reports of the dignitaries etc and if it is found that the contributor and spouse has spent a marriage life for a number of years, such documents should be submitted along with a report of the Divisional Secretary to the effect whether it is recommended to grant entitlement to the spouse to the widows'/ widowers' and orphans' pension. Accordingly, Department of Pensions will consider as to whether this payment is made examining the relevant facts.
What are the facts to be taken in to consideration for the payment of 50% from the pension, when the widow marries again?
- Anomalies should be removed as per Pension Circular No. 6/2004 for the persons , who retired before 01.01.1997 and when paying the 50% from the pension to such widows/ widowers, 50% from the revised salary should be paid.
- It should be verified from the Grama Niladhari whether the widow or widower is holding at present a post in public service. If so, the payment of widows pension and the cost of living allowance should be suspended. The amount paid so far, if any, should be recovered.
- The request made by the widow/ widower, who married again, should be submitted to this Department along with the whole file and relevant recommendations and documents. The grant will be made for these files.
What are the benefits granted to a male/ female officer, who demises whilst in service?
- If the gross period of service is more than 60 months, payment of death gratuity to the legal spouse and to unmarried , unemployed children.
- Payment of widows'/ widowers' pension to the spouse, or payment of orphans pension to the unemployed children below the age of 26 years or payment of disability pension to the disabled orphans, , if the spouse has died.
What are the benefits grants to a male/ female officer, who dies after retirement?
- Payment of widows'/ widowers' pension to the spouse, or payment of orphans pension to the unemployed children below the age of 26 years or payment of disability pension to the disabled orphans, , if the spouse has died.
What are the benefits granted for a male/ female officer, who dies after retirement before receiving the pension?
- The heirs' payment will be made to heirs by the Centralized Pensions Division of the Department and once such payment is made, Widows' and Orphans' Pensions Division will grant the spouse/ orphans the entitlements to benefits.
What should be done regarding the issues arisen on the entitlement to widows'/ widowers' and orphans' pension or any other issue connected to the same?
- Communicating with Widows' and Orphans' Pension Division by telephone
- Obtaining information on the current process calling 1970
- Visit
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Keeping the authority to grant pension with Department of Pension instead of vesting that authority in the Head of Institution is the specialty in the payment of pension through centralized system.
Therefore, the applications of the retired officers, who are entitled to the pension under centralized system, should be sent to the Department of Pensions along with other relevant documents.
In terms of the revision (III) of Pension Circular No 3/2015, Centralized Division pays the first pension of the pensioners both through computerized online as well as non-online methods. If the retirement has been made before 01.01.2006, applications should be sent through non-online channel.
Occasions where the pension is granted through centralized system
Occasions where applications should be sent through both online and non-online methods
- Officers retire due to the abolition of post or closing of institute (Section 2 and 7 of Pension Minute)
- Officers sent on retirement under Public Administration Circular no 30/1988 and those who sent on retirement under Pension Circular no 12/2009 (Section 2 and 14 of the Pensions Minute)
- Officers sent on retirement of disciplinary grounds (Section 2 and 12 of the Pensions Minute)
- Officer sent on compulsory retirement on inefficiency and an alternative under sympathetic grounds
- Officers, who served under daily/casual/substitute / contract basis and then received permanent appointment after the age of 45 years and the officers ,who are under no pay leave of more than 10 years during their service (Section 2 and 17 of the Pensions Minute)
- Retirement on permanent release (Section 2 and 48 of the Pensions Minute)
Occasions where applications should strictly be submitted non-online method
- Officers retired under Public Administration Circular No 04/2006
- Officers sent on retirement under Public Administration Circular No 07/2004
- Officers sent on retirement under Public Administration Circular No 44/1990
- Officers retire under pension Circular No 08/2015
- Officers retire under schedule “q” of Pensions minute
- Officers who participated the 1980 July strike and reinstated and then sent on retirement on reaching 60 years of age
- Officers retired from three armed forces (Ex servicemen) and then recruited to the public service other than armed forces
- Service gratuity ( Officers who have not completed a service period of 10 years)
Matters to be considered when sending applications
Preliminary tasks made | Application | Method for sending applications | Circulars applicable in sending applications | Occasion |
Preparation of first pension | PD03 | Online | Pension Circular No 3/2015 (III) | If a retirement after 02.01.2006 |
Non - online method | Pension Circular No 3/2016 | If retirement before 01.01.2006 | ||
Revisions of pension | PD06 | Online | Pension Circular No 5/2022 | If a retirement after 02.01.2006 |
Non - online method | Pension Circular No 9/2015 |
For officers sent on retirement before 30.06.2007 and if revision is made in pension at the death after retirement |
Pension Circular No 3/2016 | ||||
Payments to heirs | PD03 | Non - online method | Pension Circular No 7/2022 | Making heirs entitled either to gratuity or salary in arrears or both when the officer has died after retirement |